
Learn common phrases to say in the workplace in Japanese.

Some phrases that are commonly used in the workplace in Japanese include:

  1. これからよろしくお願いします (Kore kara yoroshiku onegaishimasu) – I look forward to working with you from now on
  2. お手数ですが (Otesuu desu ga) – Excuse me for the inconvenience
  3. どうぞ宜しく (Douzo yoroshiku) – Nice to meet you (formal)
  4. お疲れ様です (Otsukare sama desu) – Thank you for your hard work (can be used at the end of the day)

Organising a meeting

  1. 会議を開催することになりました (Kaigi wo kaisa suru koto ni narimashita) – We have decided to hold a meeting
  2. 会議の日時を決めました (Kaigi no nichi ji wo kimemashita) – We have decided on the date and time of the meeting
  3. 会議の場所を決めました (Kaigi no basho wo kimemashita) – We have decided on the location of the meeting
  4. 参加者を招待します (Sanka sha wo shoutai shimasu) – We will invite participants
  5. 会議の議題を準備します (Kaigi no gida wo junbi shimasu) – We will prepare the agenda for the meeting
  6. 会議のまとめと決定事項をまとめます (Kaigi no matome to kettei jikou wo matome shimasu) – We will summarize and record the decisions made at the meeting
  7. 会議の準備が整いました (Kaigi no junbi ga totonoimashita) – The preparations for the meeting are complete
  8. 会議を開始します (Kaigi wo kaishi shimasu) – Let’s start the meeting
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